
My birthday has come and gone. It was such a lovely time. I had a blast. There was cake, beer, and most importantly friends! We started out drinking/hanging out at my place and out on the later went out on the town. We had a blast. Some a little more than others ;) But this is neither the place nor the time. I also scored some awesome gifts! An XBOX 360! with some games including Street Fighter 4!, an amazing homemade cake, some chocolates and candy from poland, lots of booze, a cosmetic case, a lovely hardcover for my new macbook and flowers. Thanks for all the wishes as well! I added a photo album to my photos page. You can find it here.

Hmm, the rest of the weekend was pretty chill. Just hung around playing World of Warcraft and hanging out with Tony who spent the weekend here.

I really want some chinese food. From the states. It tastes different(better!) there.


Long time no update. Hmm….well,  Amsterdam is orange again! This
time for a different reason. The 2008 Eurocup! The games began a week
ago and everyone is excited…that’s an understatement. They are
fanatic about their National Dutch team. The entire city was orange
about a week before the games even started! Streamers, balloons, anything
that the Dutch can find is painted orange and strung up in front of
buildings. My roomie and I even spotted an orange cow! Not a live
one…Anywho, we watched the game from Rembrandtplein (one of the huge
entertainment squares in Amsterdam). We were a bit late. We missed
the first two goals, but we were updated as they happened. We were updated by two random girls outside who, upon seeing us decked out in orange on the tram, screamed out the score to us. And the second time there was a guy yelling to some people in a restaurant from outside. The bars everywhere were packed and
people spilled out of them into the terraces. Thank goodness
Holland won.  I would have hated to see that crowd if it was a lost.
Next game is Friday v France. They are going down!

(me, my roomie, and a statue from “nightwatch” by Rembrandt)
Hup, Holland, Hup!

In other not so orange news, I am sick. I have laryngitis. I’ve had it
for about a week now. And it’s not getting better! in fact, it’s
getting nastier and nastier! *enter spoiled American whining* All I
want is some non-drowsy Sudafed. Is that too much to ask for Holland?!
Is IT!? If I had sudafed I would be over this already…

and to continue spoiled american whining. I  am dying without an air
conditioner! It’s not even summer yet and I am burning up. I just find
it really uncomfortable to sleep without AC and just a window open.
Even when I sleep (sorry if this is TMI) in the nude I still wake up
in sweats.
I’m also currently experiencing my first toothache. I went to the
dentist and after x-rays they concluded that I need a root canal. It’s
really expensive and now i am officially broke. After the costs
associated with that and the repair of my laptop(yea, the one i sent
off in MARCH!!!! still not back), i don’t know how I wil survive until
July 1st.

Ok the whining is over! :)

So, now my three week July vacation is up in the air…not sure where
I’ll be going. I was thinking London, where I can crash on my
aunt/uncle’s house and eat their food, and not have to spend any money
and it would still be a vacation.

Let’s see what else has been going on…

My friend Martina, from
Memphis who’s studying in Germany for a semester, came to visit this
past weekend. She loved Amsterdam and I really enjoyed her being here.
It was like having a little slice of home.

and I went to a going away party for a friend. A costume party, my
favorite! I went as my default black cat and my friends went as the
most random things. One as a Swedish lamp! haha

the beginning of the night

and by the end of the night :)

trashy valentine's

For V-day, I did just what I said I would do. I cleaned the “someone special’s” room while he was out running errands. He was surprised when he got back. Heck, we both we were. There were parts of the floor that I haven’t seen in awhile. On top of everything, I found a favorite shirt that I thought had been lost. Score! He (and his flatmate) were grateful and said it looked awesome. The rest of the day was spent hanging out. We had what he called a “Trashy Valentine’s” (*didn’t think it was trashy, better than previous V-day dates). I didn’t want to go anywhere fancy so we went to our favorite Chinese buffet. Yum! I didn’t complain. After dinner, we stopped by a local drugstore to take advantage of the 50% off chocolate! mmmm. Also grabbed a 40 ounce of High Life(what?! it’s the champagne of beers!) for his roomie who was back at the house valentine-less. We popped a red bow on it before we gave it to him to give it a special V-day feel. The three of us spent the evening drinking, me-red wine(**me and red wine=no fun…for others!) and them-some weird electric green concoction(green apple vodka-yuck!/some green hawaiian punch drin-double yuck!), and talking about the most random things.

*Trashiest Valentine’s Day EVER(though, I loved it!) was last year. It consisted of ordering in pizza and playing World of Warcraft all night! It was days after Blizard releassed the expansion so we were both very anxious to get our characters to 70 and test out the new content!

**the story of me and red wine. I’m not sure what the hell it is, but anytime I get tipsy or drunk as the result of red wine I turn in to the biggest Bitch ever! I start off alright and then about an hour before I’m ready to sleep/pass out, I have some transformation. Kind of like the hulk, but still cute and not all big and stuff! I start picking fights for no reason, bringing up wrong doings from the past, yelling…I’m never like this! An example of this transformation was last night. We got into bed and he fell asleep. You know? That thing you do when you head to bed! I went off on him for that and then I started with the “YOU THINK I’M FAT! Don’t you!?”

There was more, but I don’t remember it (at least that’s what I’m sticking to). I feel awful about it all. I think I finally agree with all the ex-bf’s that say I’m acrazy bitch.